Ornamental Trees Thailand
Welcome to Refreshing Greenery Builder; the assistants to help you decorate and turn your property to a verdurous tranquility paradise, process with high oxygen in charming and unique, design by your own dream.

Ornamental Trees Thailand. We supply various kind of wood species both in our own plantation and our alliance plantations across Thailand in order to be supplied in a large amount of quantity and several varieties of trees. From the nursery plants until trees over 30 years old, are ready to embellish and beautify your landscape with professional logistics in able move our elegance trees to your property right on timing project timeline.
Explore our list and create in your mind; whatever you are, either an individual or a large project, we will always have solutions to assist so that you can achieve your dream project right on time and increase values of your investment. Please feel free to contact if you require any further assistance, we are very delightful to have such a wonderful opportunity like this.

Ornamental Trees Thailand by ThaiBotanic.com is an export business which has been developed from international business in Thailand since 1999. We’ve exported various kind of Thailand’s product especially local villager products; products we’ve supported throughout the years. Additionally, we have been very determined to increase possibilities every year.

Landscaping trees are one of the most excellent and sustainable products, they’re the results of extensive know-how and landscaping trees which is our substantial project running through the year. Most importantly, the elegance form of landscaping trees is what we stand for.
Our planting Ornamental Trees Thailand centers in Suphan Buri province, Thailand, is approximately 190km from Bangkok whereas our alliance planting in Uthaitani Province is just about 1-2 hours away, surrounding countries from our plants with large amount to supply.

ThaiBotanic.com acts as one-stop Ornamental Trees Thailand supply with an easy and quick access to Thailand plants. We maintain close links with the local plantation to supply large amounts to global markets and manage an extensive range of landscaping trees until ground-covered plants. We have also built deep relationships with other suppliers, to ensure we can supply in huge demand.

These are reasons why we are also looking for alliances who would want to invest Ornamental Trees with a high return to be partners with us, in order to form a sustainable business.


Moving Ornamental Trees necessary to use skilful loader to handle fresh trees from plantations deliver to your property whatever you are both in domestic or in oversea. Our professional logistic will handle all shipment deliveries right on your timeline in order to meet your work projection on time. Work with our team from your day one of your project, we are in a position ready to assist you like a partner.

Master Plants
Acacia arabica Acacia auriculiformis Acacia farnesiana Acacia karroo Acacia sieberiana Afzelia xylocarpa Alibizla lebbeck Alibizla saman Alstonia scholaris Argania spinosa Azadirachta indica Barringtonia acutangula Barringtonia asiatica Barringtonia racemosa Bauhinia purpurea Bombax ceiba Bucida buceras Butea monosperma Caesapinia ferre Calophyllum inophyllum Cananga odorata Cassia fistula Cassia javanica Cassia surattensis Cerbera odollam Citrus aurantium Cocoloba Cordia sebestena Couroupita guianensis Crescentia cujete Delonix regia Diospyros decandra Dipterocarpus alatus Dolichandrone serrulata Erythrina variegata Fagraea fragrans Ficus bengalensis Ficus religiosa Grevillea robusta Harpephyllum caffrum | Hibiscus tiliaceus Holarrhena pubescens Lagerstroemia floribunda Lagerstroemia loudonii Lagerstroemia speciosa Lawsonia inermis Mangifera indica Melaleuca bracteata Melia azedarach Millettia grandis Millingtonia hortensis Mimusops elengi Moringa oleifera Morus alba Murraya paniculata Oncoba spinosa Peltophorum pterocarpum Pitthecellobium dulce Plumeria rubra Pongomia pinnata Pterocarpus indicus Punica granatum Samanea saman Spathodea campanulata Swietenia macrophylla Syzygium cumini Syzygium paniculatum Tabebuia argentea Tabebuia chrysantha Tabebuia palida Tabebuia rosea Tamarindus indica Terminalia bentzoe Terminalia catappa Terminalia ivorensis Terminalia mantaly Thespesia populnea Trema orientalis Ziziphus jujuba |
Contact us to obtain complete list.

Contact us to obtain our trees list and quote.
WhatsApp +66 93 791 5497